Britbong spook agency: Russia's propaganda often being "true" is "naturally problematic" 🤔

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Also why western propagandists now use the term "Kremlin talking points" as seen here:

The indictment charges two Russia Today employees with providing nearly $10 million to the media company that often spouted Kremlin talking points.

They're not disputing the factual accuracy of what's being said, they're just complaining that these points support Russian position.

Reality has a well-known Kremlin bias.

bringing up reality is a well known Russian talking point

Perhaps it's "reality has a ironclad anti-Anglo-American bias." When the Anglo regimes' ghouls are talking, they're lying.

Yeah, funny that.

So it’s not “disinformation.” Very interesting to admit…

Okay, I’m actually mad about this because apparently Russian sources have been truthful and yet I have to avoid them because it’s propaganda and only western sources are good. Cool, love that.

The greatest propaganda of all is just saying true statements.

The people we need to think about bringing left are people who will take what we say in good faith, but who are still skeptical of it. If they won't take it in good faith, we're wasting time talking to them. If they aren't skeptical, they're already convinced.

When you're skeptical but actually willing to look into something, exaggerations or omissions can turn you away entirely. Everyone has a threshold where they say "I can't trust this person/source anymore, I'm going to tune out what they say even if parts of it might be true." It takes effort to sift through bad information, and why would they bother? You're not reliable.

There is so much horrific stuff capitalists have done that we can stick to what's indisputably true, and that doesn't really have any gray areas or excuses, and convince those people who can be convinced.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I am creating a new term rather than "disinformation" : "thisinformation" = As in "thisinformation is not cool with me (Factually true but not cool)".

e.g. Russians are peddling thisinformation about Ukraine.

I know it's supposed to mean spy but I cringe every time I see the word spook. I just feel like that word should be retired. Why not just use spy