Freelance python

Ive learned a decent bit of python from a trade school I was in and I am really interested in learning more and eventually do freelance work

And I'm looking for advice on ensuring I know enough to do that as well as some advice getting started

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About learning more Python? Code up something interesting, or join an existing project and contribute.

About starting freelancing without a track record? Right now it's difficult, though maybe that's cyclical. But basically look on Craigslist and so on for help wanted. Stay away from bottom feeders like Fiverr. There is a monthly "who is hiring" post on Hacker News and a similar post for freelancers (mostly work seekers) but the entry barrier there can be sort of high.


What have you made using Python so far?

Tbh A snake clone using exclusively the turtle training library thingy

Oh and a flappy bird clone using pygames but that was from a tutorial

I have also made a few game jam games in Godot using gdscript which is a very similar language to python

Seems like you should make something less focused on games and solve problems in a different domain.

It'd be worth posting them to GitHub or GitLab or somewhere where people can have a look and give you feedback.