Special Thursday Cinema Night, 8PM EST: Indonesian death-squad documentary The Act of Killing (2012) and Jim Jarmusch’s unexpected-paternity comedy Broken Flowers (2005)! (CWs inside)

IMPORTANT NOTE: please use a VPN whenever visiting Hextube, or anywhere else on the internet, for that matter. Protect your privacy.

For this Special Thursday Cinema Night, 8PM EST, there’s no special theme, just two more good flicks. First up is The Act of Killing (2012), one of the highest-rated documentaries on Letterboxd; it interviews a number of former members of Indonesian death-squads who participated in the mass killing of communists in the 1970s, aided and abetted by the US government. God Damn the West: The Movie. It is, so far, the best-known and best-regarded film of documentarian Joshua Oppenheimer.

After that is Broken Flowers (2005), a comedy from Jim Jarmusch about an aging philanderer (Bill Murray) who discovers that he has a son who seems to be looking for him. Hilarity ensues, in Jarmusch’s signature quiet style, as the guy tries to cope with unexpected fatherhood.

We’ll start at 8PM EST on Hextube, right here:


Be there, comrades!


Doesthedogdie.com links:

CWs for The Act of Killing:

  • Discussion of sexual assault. Not depicted.
  • Torture.
  • War crimes.
  • Vomiting.
  • Hate speech.

CWs for Broken Flowers:

  • Child abandonment.
  • Cheating.
  • Nudity.
  • Someone is punched in the face.
  • Alcohol.
  • Drugs.
  • Profanity.

Links to movies:

Forthcoming. I will upload to Tankietube shortly.