Stable genius coming through!

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You spelled prison cell wrong.


My French mind translates it into english this way: The little forgetting

The forgetorium.

That's pretty much it, also it's very dark

If we stuffed him into a hole under a passageway for horses to piss and shit on him freely I would remind myself of this fun fact every day with an amusing framed diagram commissioned by an artist, so "forgetting"would be a bit of a misnomer.

Depending on what home you put him in , some are just as bad as prisons.

or deep well...

Isn't the point of this meme that the elder is always telling the truth, but it's so alien to the youth that they don't believe it? Like, "back in my day, to call someone on the telephone you had to spin a dial, wait for it to return, and do this for each digit of a 5-digit number".

This is a misuse of the template, that seems to imply Trump is right.

Edit: After conducting some research quickly glancing at the Know Your Meme entry of this, it seems that the template has mixed usage. Including "a no longer popular opinion stated by the elder", and just straight up dismissing rambling of an elder. But vast majority of the examples still lean into my original setup.

One of my recent comments literally has "um actually", albeit in a humorous way, so I'm not saying that I'm not that guy. But you can't just counter every correction towards you with that image. Even though I like how the massive man-boobs defy the limits of the frame.

Or "you know dog shit used to be white. You would see little piles of white dog shit when walking. Sometime during the 90s or 00s it stopped. Now when I see dog shit it's just normal shit colored. The weird part is no one talks about it. Am I taking crazy pills?"

It still turns white, if you leave it sitting for about a month. People are picking it up now.

Make America Great Again. Leave the dog shit.

It's most likely you were taking crazy pills(or shrooms) back in the nineties and stopped ..

Every time I've seen this template it's a demented geriatric rambling about Jewish space lasers and the woman saying, "uh huh sure whatever you say, let's get you back to your nursing home gramps."

only if that home is a hole.

and not a cozy hobbit hole. no. A slimy, muddy, worm-filled hole that smells like his diapers and where only mold can grow.

So Mar-a-Lago?

I imagine the stress of captivity at Mar-a-Lago if the only person here was him, no one entering or leaving except meals delivered by a drone, contacts are forbidden except medical emergencies to keep him alive. Just a big empty property with zero maintenance and communications slowly going disfunctional on par with it's owner. As he becomes feral and dies, just bulldoze it and build appartments over it.

So, an oubliette, like someone else mentioned above 👍

That way he can be president of the Shady Acres cafeteria during mealtime.

I enjoyed some bacon this morning. Viva windmills!


Shove him in a hole then start the funeral process.

Get him one of these Trump burgers before he dies. Or something.