Should VLAN-to-VLAN traffic go through the Mullvad utun interface?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/nonredditaccount on 2024-08-18 23:24:58.

Normal traffic I generate goes through Mullvad's utun interface.

Traffic I send from VLAN 10 to VLAN 20 on my network also goes through the utun interface. Is this expected? On the MacOS client, this is occurring, however, on the iOS client it does not appear to be happening.

Some information:

  • MacOS version 2024.4
    • "Local Sharing" - enabled
    • "Enable IPv6" - disabled
    • "Split Tunneling" - disabled
    • "Tunnel Protocol" - WireGuard
    • Basically all other defaults
  • iOS version 2024.4
    • Basically all defaults