American culture is being a small time huckster who stalks and sexually assaults women and bullshitting your way into getting Spielberg to make a biopic about your invented life story glorifying you

Consult libgen for the book on this subject

It has been known for years that Frank Abagnale Jr. of Catch Me If You Can fame is little more than a pathological liar who’s real life exploits seemed to revolve around harassing and assaulting women, and lying his way into positions involving working with children. This apparently runs on the family as his brother was caught kidnapping a 7 year old girl.

Thank you Spielberg for amplifying the lies of a serial sex offender and likely pedophile. Not surprising if you know the story behind Indiana Jones of course. Spielberg just can’t stop objectifying and denigrating women, and apparently felt obligated to help his favorite sex offender invent lies about his mother committing adultery to feed the latter’s pioneering incel tendencies.

::: spoiler EXTREME CW for truly vile SA The father character, in real life an abuser accused of forcing his other son to have sex with a prostitute at the age of 12 in front of him (this claim comes from his granddaughter), among other things, is of course portrayed sympathetically and as the victim of the evil conniving seductress mother. :::

People speak of the death of journalism and the rise of incels, but America has always been where journalism goes to die and where incels are hailed as quirky heroes.

And Spielberg, well, he just can’t help himself when it comes to pedophile sex offender protagonists.

Reddit, unsurprisingly, loves this creep.