I'm trying to have a serious conversation here

A screenshot of a movie with two pirates talking to each other. The subtitles say "You can't just say 'lol' at the end of a sentence and think that makes everything alright". The text that was previously behind "lol" has been covered with a black rectangle and overwritten.

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lol what about at the beginning, or what if i giggle in another way at the end hehe

lol no

I sometimes use 'lmao' as punctuation and I don't know if I hate that or not

I always read lmao as L'mao and it always makes me giggle a little bit.

Le Mao


Get fucked lol

I want to emphasise that one cannot like if they do you know like that could be in case of like you get it, right, lol



I feel like lol is equivalent to ankle socks vs whatever the fuck the other thing was

I mean I’ll use it as an admission that a situation is ridiculous but there’s no other options.