People often say they can't think of any ideas to practice coding. Maybe try this suggestion for some inspiration.

I asked some LLM chatbots to give me some silly ideas to try. Below are a few of my favorite responses.


Six Degrees of Wikipedia: Creating a program that finds the shortest path between two random Wikipedia articles using graph traversal algorithms. This applies graph theory concepts to explore connections in a large knowledge base.

Emoji Encryption: Using hash tables and cryptographic algorithms to create an encryption system that converts text to emojis. This could be an interesting way to explore cryptography concepts in a fun, visual way.


Procrastination Station: This website creates increasingly elaborate and ridiculous tasks to distract you from what you actually need to do. Dishes? Nah, fold your socks into origami cranes!

Dramatic Password Validator: Forget boring error messages. This program rejects weak passwords with Shakespearean insults or movie villain monologues.


  1. Time Travel Email Service: Build a data structure that allows you to send emails to yourself in the past, with time complexity considerations that are totally ignored because it’s time travel.
  1. Mood-Driven Random Number Generator: Implement an algorithm that generates random numbers based on the mood of the user, using sentiment analysis on real-time facial expressions.