Just sharing a book recommendation for explaining the topic to kids. I highly recommend the book Climate Change and How We'll Fix It by Alice Harman. I got it last year for my 8-year-old and was very impressed with it. I'd even say its approach would work well for explaining things to adults who aren't very informed on or engaged with the topic.

My 8-year-old was inspired by it to write and design a flyer to hand out to his classmates about climate change with 10 simple things that they could do. We heard from several parents that their kids came home telling them to change some things they were doing at home.

For anyone curious about the book's content, here is the table of contents:

  • Part 1: What We Know
    • The greenhouse effect
    • Energy and fuel
    • Food and farming
    • Too much stuff
    • Evidence of climate change
    • Impact of climate change
  • Part 2: The Problems
    • Why aren't we fixing it?
    • The 'Just one more cookie' problem
    • The 'That's not fair' problem
    • The 'Would I lie to you' problem
    • The 'Smelt it, dealt it' problem
    • The 'You always take their side' problem
    • The 'They made me do it' problem
    • The 'Goody-two-shoes' problem
    • The 'Magical homework machine' problem
    • The 'La la la, I can't hear you' problem
    • The 'I won't until you do' problem
    • The 'Why should I?' problem
  • Part 3: The Solutions
    • What we have to do
    • Do your best
    • Think BIG
    • Ask questions
    • Try to understand
    • Make things fair
    • Listen carefully
    • Use your imagination
    • Keep it simple
    • Work together
  • Glossary
  • Index