The people need the Biden plan to fight 2025

So i think everyone who isnt morally corrupt knows trump doesnt need to be reelected. So everyone needs to get behind biden then name a movement after him that also smears his name.

The biden plan should include an automatic impeachment poll for every office every political vote. That way if there is ever a time a politician doesnt follow through with his promises he can be elected out more promptly.

Yes i did think about our president while showering

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Ranked choice voting would help, but I like that "throw the bum out" option mentioned here.

I agree ranked choice voting would be nice. But i think the american people can get behind someone if they know they plan to smite him for it later.

He should march the military into congress and arrest those dirty politicians. Democracy is evil and needs to be wiped out.


I don't think the president could unilaterally implement this, but it would be nice to be able to vote a president out of office if they're really fucking things up.

It is called an impeachment and it shouldn't be used willy nilly

That's not really in the hands of the people though.

Well you do vote for officials

Officials who ignore the will of the public to protect their own power - lying, manipulating, and gerrymandering their way into office, then abusing the system to stay there: They aren't the will of the people in many cases, they're the will of whatever corporations and/or foreign countries have bought them off.

True but that is why it is so important that you vote and be a part of Democracy

You should absolutely vote in every election and pay attention to what politicians are actually doing (not just what they are saying).