How do I add functionality to the back button?

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How do I add functionality to the back button?

How do I add functionality to the back button in Android without reimplementing the back button entirely? Prior to last year, I would just call `onB...

Possibly a stupid question, but how do I add functionality to the back button in Android without reimplementing the back button entirely nowadays?

Prior to last year, I would just call onBackPressed() and then simply override it:

override fun onBackPressed() {


It looks like this is now deprecated, and it's recommended to use OnBackPressedCallback objects. It's simple enough to replace onBackPressed() with onBackPressedDispatcher.onBackPressed(), but I can't figure out how to recreate the override.

I can replace the functionality easy enough:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
	onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(this, object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {

However, this replaces all back button behavior. It doesn't just add to it, despite the function name. I still want the back button to go back, but don't want to have to try to reinvent the wheel. Is there some equivalent to super.onBackPressed() with this new API or another way to achieve this?