Anyone here?

At one time I found /r/catholicism a great blessing.

I'm a 40yo married male from USA who converted to catholicsm 20 years ago, born to two non-believers, and spent most of my youth in Evangelical circles until following the Spirit to His Catholic church.

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Dang, sorry all. I created this community and then promplty abandoned it 🤣

I should probably make sure I pop on every now and then to moderate.

Welcome, nice to see some more fediCatholics!

Just found the community.

Looks like it’s pretty slow.

Similar age, but Canadian. Grew up in the church, but took a tour through some evangelical circles in university. Really forced me to learn the faith.

Welcome brother.

Here’s hoping we can round up some more folks, and get some communication going. We seem to be painfully underrepresented on this platform.