I don't know what I'd do if Malala violated me like this (rule)

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I don't understand anything in this image

Malala Yousafzai is a famous activist for education of young girls who the Taliban attempted to murder for her activism. Hence her comment "Boo 👎" on this young girl's post about skipping classes.

Young girl is just shocked she got called out by a famous person.



Okay 😇 thanks for trying 💘

This is such a bizarro response that I generally double took and then chuckled 😂


I'm just a quirky silly goofy little oddball like that ðŸĪŠ

Don't you want people to understand your memes?


😇 no ðŸĪ—💓

What a joy to be able to learn about Malala Yousafzai

You'd get your ass to school, that's what you'd do. How are girls going to rule the world if you don't learn how? When we have 9 women Supremes (Justices of the Supreme Court that is) and 100 women Senators (with enough restrooms!) it will be just the beginning of parity for all the men-only generations.