German journalist put on trial for covering ukrainian war crimes in Donbass! She faces 3 years in prison if convicted. "EU human rights"

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Al Otro Lado de la frontera de Ucrania

La periodista Alina Lipp se enfrenta a 3 años de prisión por informar a los alemanes sobre los ataques de Ucrania contra Donbás. Según el gobierno alemán, bombardear civiles durante 8 años está bien, pero atreverse a contarlo merece pena de cárcel. ¿Y la libertad de expresión?

Al Otro Lado de la frontera de Ucrania

Alina Lipp, a german independent journalist who has been living in Donetsk and covering the war crimes committed by the ukronazis there since 2021, is under criminal investigation by a german court for "spreading russian disinformation". All her assets have been seized, including the PayPal donations that allow her to do her independent work. Her fathers assets have also been seized, even though he lives in Germany and has nothing to do with Alinas work. Prosecutors ask 3 years in prison, all for spreading the truth about Donbass. This is the "freedom and human rights" of the EU. We already know of 6 people under criminal investigation in the EU for telling the truth about Donbass. 5 of them are in pretrial imprisonment in maximum security, full isolation, no contact with anyone.