Most Interesting Or Fun Stories of Doing Illegal Shit?

this is probably the wrong community for a conversation with nothing (or little) to do with communism, but I wanna read your "I was doing illegal shit" stories. Those are fun as hell.

I'm bad at stories but I'll tell one. I do graffiti, have been since I was ~15. When I was like 17 or so I was out with some friends doing some tagging, my friends decided it'd be a wonderful idea to break into the brewery and do a piece on their grain silo. This fuckin pillar of a thing's like 100ft tall, you can see it for miles around town, and as well it's very central to the town so it's guaranteed that anything we paint on it will be seen by thousands.

We were able to find a hole in the fence and snuck interior of the warehouse, found the stairs to the top, climbed all the way up to start painting our crew's name (SOLS, our names together Sketzo, Owln, Leet, and Semo). We were about two letters into the piece when we heard a really loud "hey!" from some cops parked on the nearby bridge looking in our direction. We could tell that they didn't actually see us but were aware that we were there, so we tried to sneak back down the stairs. We weren't aware that there were already cops in the warehouse along with the brewery's owner - because we tripped an alarm and the guy got an automated alert.

About halfway down the steps is when we realized that the warehouse was being searched, Sketzo thought it'd be a good idea to scream out "fuck the cops" and fuckin book it. He got about ten feet before being immediately tazed. We ran as fast as we could to the near-ish-by treeline to hide, meanwhile cops shine flashlights around and try to chase us. Thankfully we lost them in the suburbs by hiding in a garden shed. moral of the story; stay aware of your surroundings, so at the first sight of trouble, you can run.