[Feature request] Inline video playback

I would be nice to have inline/embedded video playback directly in feeds and/or in the post view (with or without auto play, that could be a user setting).

Currently the experience for me is not ideal, a YouTube video opened in the in-app browser can’t be viewed in landscape mode because the in-app browser locks into portrait mode, which can be a pain, but maybe I’m missing something.

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Yeah, I’d like to improve video playback. I’ll see if I can dedicate some time to this when I’m finished with messaging.

Thanks that would be great!

In addition to that, if you start a Youtube video in the internal browser and close the browser window, the video keeps playing - you can hear the sound until you start another video in the in-app browser. That is a bit annoying.

Would be great but I think its difficult because YouTube is making changes on their API pretty regularly

Avelon does it without calling the API but by just embedding the video in the inline web view (or at least it looks like it).