How do you search for communities?

I had posted this a few months and it's still the same issue.

If I search for a community using sync it only shows around 6-7. And that is also in the explore bar, it doesn't do the search in the dedicated search page.

Am I doing something wrong or is this still the case?

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I'm not suite sure what you mean but you can always check this site to see if you're missing some.

Well using a different app or site to just search for communities is a pain.

So if you search for memes, there's only 7 results in the results section. If you do that on the site you mentioned or in boost or something you'll bet like a lot more communities.

For example, look at how many results there are in results, the ones above are subscribed ones.

I see what you mean:

I agree, this is a bigger problem than I initially thought. I'm already subscribed to so many that I overlooked it.

Yeah, I just hope this gets fixed.

Maybe when another major bug occurs.

That reminds me, out of curiosity, does ! load fine for you?

Yeah it loads fine, why?

For a percentage of users it doesn't and we don't know why or if there's other communities affected.

Oh that is strange

Works for me.

So weird

My community search button does nothing at all.

That's really strange, even for popular ones?

Yes. Even after a reinstall I could not get it to work.