Absolute banger from the Atlantic

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When will liberals figure out that you don't have to side with paedophiles? Like it's not legally mandated, you could just not do it

pedophiles have to stick together in this cruel world

wow some liberals are Jewish so this is highly antisemitic of you

Don’t worry, pedophiles; Israel doesn’t extradite. You can just head over to the colony if you get in trouble.

I fucking knew this was coming I’ve had this dumbass take bouncing around my head for weeks. They really saying Kendrick calling drake a colonizer and a pedophile is anti semitic! Wild

They even state Kendrick’s song was #1 and they are just openly going to call everyone in the US who listens to it anti-Semitic? They couldn’t possibly water it down more or do a more egregious boy who cried wolf

I was replaying NLU in my car today on full volume, can't believe I'm an antisemite 😔

Which way to gulag


Author is an American Enterprise Institute fellow and has a page of previous Atlantic articles crying about protesters and woke (if you scroll back a little further the crying is about identity politics instead of woke)

Okay so she's Jewish, she's not necessarily Israeli or a supporter of Israel.

Yeah, but whoever wrote this wanted to find a way to call Kendrick antisemitic.

The phrase “not in our name” means nothing to Zionists

Why would you remember that Drakes mother is Jewish, and not simply that Drake is half Jewish?

Is this just word count writing? Just a weird ass unnatural way to phrase it, very few celebrities parents are noteworthy enough to be part of the common knowledge around that artist.

If Drake's mother is jewish, doesn't that just make him Jewish? I thought pretty much every jewish tradition considers it inheritable through the mother rather than through both parents

Yeah I guess in a religious sense he's just Jewish, but him being mixed is a big part of a lot of the drama going on around him so people usually call him half Jewish, I guess it also makes it clear that his mother is Jewish rather than him having converted.

Ultimately I just said half Jewish cause that's what I hear people call him.

Also I can't help but feel like this is the kind of hyperaggressive overreaction that Liberal and Conservative reactionaries alike ascribe to trans people and other minorities.

Reactionaries projecting their tendency to overreact onto others? Why I never

But yes, it does feel very similar

This lib still believes in the One-drop rule

Hes comfortable middle class Canadian

He's wealthy. He's fully bourgeois.

I meant his upbringing

Also bougie 👈😎👈

Yeah if anything this diss is anti-Canadian

Another failed Rorschach test

As a Jew I don't need a fascist ethnostate to feel belonging. Jerusalem should have been designated a holy city for all but instead its propped up by the brutalization of Palestinians. Colonialism has robbed everything holy from the holy land.


These are the greatest two paragraphs ever written in any language.

we need to pour toxic chemicals into the atlantic

I mean yes, but also actually no really please don't.

White Mother Biracials can't help but live up to the stigma

Kendrick tells Drake not to say the n-word

In response drake says it even more times

Most white thing I've ever seen

Exactly. They love doing the thing people say not to.

Even "why you rapping like you tryna get the slaves free" is outta pocket.

What did you expect from a guy that wore black face? He's the most successful culture vulture. Kendrick was 10000% right, he's just a colonizer. I've never heard something so racist in a modern song.

Hot take but idc: having a white bio parent and a black bio parent still doesn't give you the right to say the n-word.

He's like that one woman who made the quadr*** "joke"

Diabolical racism, and in the end only white people laugh/ don't see a problem bc that's the audience for people like him.

Edit: to clarify, the racism I'm talking about is the blackface and that line you mentioned.

I have similar critiques about doja cat too but that's another discussion.

Drake is so embarrassing

^Logic's account

Logic is a biracial rapper

Half joking but biracials with white moms seem to act funny when it comes to race related things. Like say dumb shit like "why should race matter, we're all one race" or "too white for the black kids, too black for the white kids " or, like drake, freely say the n word without being in community with Black people. Or logic saying dumb shit like "I come from the slave and the master".



I mean, Drake is an anti Zionist, so this extra doesn't make sense.

If only he had written a song called "I condemn Hamas." 😔