Roger Corman Memorial Marathon (Part 1 of ?)

In honour of the late great Roger Corman, I've queued up some amazingly cheesy movies from his oeuvre, playing right now. I haven't seen most of them myself. Should be fun!

She Gods of Shark Reef. The Los Angeles Times film reviewer at the time said that this movie had only two things in its favour: it's in colour, and it's only 63 minutes long.

Creature from the Haunted Sea. This one doubles as a feel-good movie where Cuban counter-revolutionaries get got by a monster at the end and it's portrayed as a positive outcome.

War of the Satellites. A cheaply-made, quickly-made bit of schlock intended to cash in on Americans' paranoia about Sputnik.

Battle Beyond the Sun. This is actually a Roger Corman distributed English-dubbed and re-edited version of the 1959 USSR film

Of course this is nothing from the official admins of the hextube. This is just me being bored and slightly sad about Mr. Corman's passing and wanting to enjoy some schlock.