We post anti-french memes in this thread

Posting IS praxis and this is a solidarity thread with the freedom fighters of New Caledonia

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Does this count?

It sure does, all the way up to 10000 too!

Infinite 13/11s on the french

Going to double my comment here, considering the relevance:
The 18th of Brumaire was literally on the 9th of November, or, in other words, it happened on 9/11.

Are ye an Brit? Your way of time says so...

Day/Month instead Month/Day, smh...


phoenix-objection-1 phoenix-objection-2 objection
Your Honor, I am not a Brit!
In fact, many places outside of the TERF island use the day/month format. In particular, this includes France!


Uhh.. that doesn't exclude you from any of those categories....

Would a Brit know what 'Brumaire' even is?

Ok, so you've won a pyhrric victory, you've proven yourself not Brit, but French edgeworth-shrug

I expected this course of action from the prosecuting team, so I would like to present this piece of evidence:
Je ne parle pas français.

Your Honor, I cannot be French.

Damned commonwealthers

"Mr. Escargot! A second baguette!"

Lmao I like this one

anti-french memes are addictive so I've been trying to tapir off


Here's a joke: "strategic autonomy"

"That's a nice pipeline ya got there pardner. Shame if something happened to it biden-harbinger "

Anglos side-eye-1

don't worry, i got their ass elsewhere in this thread

Sorry I don't speak code lyoko

Any time someone tries to correct my pronunciation of croissant, I point out that the pastry originated from Austria so really it should be pronounced as [Exaggerated Arnold Schwarzenegger accent saying Croissant]

I can't even imagine what that sounds like

I didn't understand this at first but then I tried saying croissant out loud in my thickest attempt at a french accent and it's surprisingly accurate.

Lmao right? It's a "Qwua" sound and it does weird things to the mouth

it's surprisingly accurate.

I mean, both ye Anglos and French are non-rhotic...

There are a few rhotic English accents. The West Country is full of the Angloest Anglos to ever have Angloed, and they have some very juicy rhotisity


If you look carefully, you can often tell if a person speaks French all the time by the pattern of lines on the side of their mouth, this allows you to quickly identify who to mock.

Hating "le oui oui baguette" is my normal state of being are you telling me that my hatred is finally justified in the eyes of the world???

astronaut-2 astronaut-1 always has been

I see your reason, bueno amigo....

Vive Nueva Caledonia! Muerte al Francia!

white people when garlic is on the table

The 18th of Brumaire was literally on the 9th of November, or, in other words, it happened on 9/11.

How organized is the backlash in new Caledonia? A single spark can light a prairie fire, but it needs direction too. I worry these riots are too disorganized and unfocused to really fight off the French. That's the impression I'm getting from western media anyway, so I'm taking it with a big old chunk of rock salt.

is there some hexbear injoke about hating french (and italian?) people or is this just standard anglo xenophobia?

oh don't worry, we hate the anglos too don't get us started about their inferior brain pans that predispose them to spice intolerance and war crimes

its not a hexbear injoke, the entire world hates the french.

fuck i need that "Don't speak French" sign sicko-wistful

Hexbear hates on every "international community" nationality equally.

france-cool ukkk ukkkraine kkkanada amerikkka anti-italian-action germany-cool hungary-cool aus-delenda-est spain-cool swiss-cool isntrael nato-cool japan-cool eu-cool

dont forget one of the most important ones anglo-burn

Pictured: anglo eating spicy food

spicy food

a bottle of water with a drop of lemon

is there some hexbear injoke


xi-gun Say "Marg bar Francia"

Marg bar America, France, at England...

(the injoke is we hate the french)

90% is a very low estimate

It can be both france-cool

Italians are just funny. The french are genuinely satanic

>Anglo xenophobia

lol lmao, stop

Do you not hate the french???

For sure when some reactionary Americans shit on France it's jus being shitty, homophobic, crass. When a bunch of commies shit on France, it's more because of what the country has done to African and Pacific colonies under its iron fist. Truly evil shit has been done and continues to be done by France, but they have a better PR team and aren't half as evil as America.

booo*, we need ones about their.colonial history, lemme try cdes, pls laugh:

the french take all the tax from their colony in namibia? what are they (royal they, not the masses nor the people ofc) stupid?? you know youre gonna lose your colony like that right?

... centuries later ...

huh i guess they are stupid (not franks, gauls, francophones, norman french; yes the tudors, jacobins, napoleonites, royalists etc.) after all

sucks to suckkk

*cde i was not actually booing you and apologize if i hurt your feelings or anyrhing

let me know if i did ill try to make it right

pooh-wtf there's a joke in here somewhere

i yearn to make sense

Hope they can find the anti-tank rounds to put this anti-materiel rifle into good use.

Mais quelle bande de ricains puants 🤣

Never before has anyone uttered the words of that tongue here, in Hexbear gulag

also i dont think what you said was very nice

Americans don't deserve anyone being nice to them

The only thing worse than a french is an anglo-pig-dog this is true thinking-about-it

Tu m'en oublie, en sacrement?

Frenchie talking about smell now, eh? That's not winning territory for you cheese munching frogophiles!