Pathetic Trump Already Trying to Weasel Out of Debating Biden

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Pathetic Trump Already Trying to Weasel Out of Debating Biden

After agreeing to two debates with Biden, Donald Trump seems to be trying to set up an excuse to escape the whole thing.

Pathetic Trump Already Trying to Weasel Out of Debating Biden
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No one should be surprised in the slightest. I hope Biden holds the debate anyway, and addresses an empty podium if Trump's too cowardly (or too incarcerated) to show up.

Joe Biden should crack a cold one with the moderator and answer some questions 😊

By “cold one,” you mean ice cream cone, right?

Yeah baby!

He should run out on stage and rip off his suit, revealing his party boy thong while dancing.

Chris Pontius 2028

He has a dreamy smile, I’d vote for him.

Let me show you my Patrick Swayze impression 🕺🏼

Patrick Swayze isn’t hard to impersonate these days, you just have to hold your breath.

Eh maybe not run

He can bike.

I’m sure he can run the length of a stage.

I dunno. Buddy does stumble. A lot.

It’s hard not to when you’re packing that kind of heat.

He should empty podium him but play back clips of what trump has said in the past. Trump's worst enemy is himself.

Oh, that's fantastic. He should absolutely do that.

That didn't work too well for Clint Eastwood.

I feel at this point like Trump could easily skip the debate, and then somehow spin it as 4-D chess with his moronic, rascist, hateful base who have already bought into his garbage cult

He doesn't even have to try, they will find excuses for him. At this point I have no idea what it would take to bring back some of them to something resembling sanity

Those fucktards are a total loss. We need to accept that.

Do you recall when he told everyone to drink bleach and the cult of dimwits had several days of unscripted brainletry?

hmmm no, I don't follow that closely... wait, what ? bleach ?

The media and its followers fall for this every time!

  • Step 1: accept to debate = promotional articles.
  • Step 2: walk it back, pretend you will back out = 2x promotional articles.
  • Step 3: allow them to simmer and plead for you to re-commit = 3x promotional articles.
  • Step 4: receive praise for re-committing = 4x promotional articles.

Meanwhile, in Biden land:

  • Step 1: accept to debate = get 1/4 the promotional articles orange traitor got, and none of the anticipation.

It's too easy for him. He gets 4x the press without even trying.

This is what pisses me off about Democrats. They keep decorum and fight with one arm tied behind their back, while the other guy slings shit and doesn't follow a single rule and gets away with it. For once they need to fight fire with fire. Get dirty with Trump, really dig up his skeletons and shove him in his face while calling him funny names and telling him he has a tiny dick

They keep decorum and fight with one arm tied behind their back

They're more than happy to fight dirty. But they only know how to punch left.

i say you do all this humdrum, show up to the debate, and say nothing the entire time. The true decorum holding experience!

Drama is the rule in media. Always has been always will be. If it enrages, tittilates, dehumanizes it gets front and center full exposure. They know this and also know that it is wearying on the public psyche, so they throw a feel-good segment out there once in a while to keep the inflammation to a manageable level

Biden should wait until Monday, then back out saying he sees no need to debate a (potential) convicted felon. Let the media go nuts.

Biden has to keep quiet about Trump's ongoing trials otherwise Diaperboy can scream mistrial, that Biden is biasing everything against him.

Biden could make this work by calling Trump out every time he tries to get away from it.

That's expected, that's not news.

I still remember watching their debate, live, and Biden running circles around that fucking idiot because all he could do was jibber jabber nonsense, and continually kept talking over Biden during Biden's turn. I then had people try to tell me that Biden was too old to debate, that Trump ran circles around Biden, and that Trump had taken the win for the debate.

It was at this time, where I fully became radicalized. I realized that the reality that I watched in real time, was not the same reality that these people were in.

Anyway, I'm assuming Biden will still run circles around Trump, whether he be there or not. Maybe this time, Biden will actually get to use his time to talk without the orange fucking idiot opening his.

I then had people try to tell me that Biden was too old to debate, that Trump ran circles around Biden, and that Trump had taken the win for the debate.

That's every debate. You show up to cheer for your team and then you compete to see who can say "You fucking idiot, my guy won!" the loudest.

Why did anyone think MAGA would come out of that fight saying anything less?

Maybe this time, Biden will actually get to use his time to talk without the orange fucking idiot opening his.

Only if he gives Trump a stiff punch to the throat.

Trump will chicken out if there is a rule that he can't run his fucking mouth over Biden. A stream of liquid shit from that anus-mouth of his is all he has.

I hope they give the moderator power to cut off mics ....

But part of me thinks that networks want Trump to run his mouth because a shit show like that brings viewers

That's why this country is falling the fuck apart

well that and the tax cuts that Reagan implemented knowing full well that trickle-down economics were a fraud.
and regulatory capture of most of your institutions
and the loss of local manufacturing jobs (which are actually starting to come back) and the increased acceptance of nazism/fascism by people whose parents and grandparents fought against those very ideologies

but mostly because the increasing divide between rich and poor is not being condemned but rather celebrated by the same anxiety-inducing media that drools at the thought of the aforementioned shit-show.

America, you could do so much better. You just don't. It's so goddamn disappointing.

Listen: your neighbours love you, your friends love you, but you're doing terribly. It's really really hard to talk to you about it because when you get defensive holy fucking shit you can be difficult to deal with. You keep telling everyone that you're the greatest (you tell yourself that most of all) and you do it so well and you believe it so intrinsically, that you've become blind to your own problems. You're supposed to protect the weak and the vulnerable, and yet you've decided that people with no power aren't worth your time, or your effort, or worth anything at all. That's not a nation, it's abuse. It's a crying shame.

Do Better.

ofc he is, he can't see his grandsons graduation!

He didn’t even know how old his son Baron was last week!

that's because he can't see him, he lacks object permanence.

Sleepy Crooked Low Energy Don

I think that the article gives Donny Boy a little too much credit. They assume that his tweet was the beginning of some long con, but it's probably just dementia. L'Homme Orange may actually believe he's gonna debate someone on Fox News in October.

Weaselling out of things is what separates us from the animals. (Except the weasel). Homer

They should debate on fox as well. CNN was caught giving Hillary the questions ahead of time during her debate with Trump and with Bernie Sanders.

That's the old CNN regime. The new one is very pro Trump.

fox LOL "news"

CNN is now owned by a traitor supporter so you anti-americans should be cheering this on.

I agree, I dont really understand the point of this op-ed. Wanting more debates = weasling out of debates?

Your makeup wearing failed fuhrer is a gigantic pussy. He won't debate, he's too scared.

Im pretty sure the guy who loves to flap his mouth is gonna debate lol. Lets circle back later and see.

He wont. He's a gigantic pussy ass bitch.

Hey, good news. Looks like hes showing up!

I'm sure Hitler is sad he won't be able to watch his biggest fan attempt to destroy America again.

What would you say he fears?


I expect there are a whole lot of things you don't understand.

Well of course if we're speaking generally. Although I do understand why the article's author chose his vocabulary