Seeking assistance configuring conversations/intents

I have input_text.event_1 where the value is currently "birthday", input_text.event_2 where the value is currently "christmas", input_date.event_1 where the value is currently "1/1/2000", and input_date.event_2 where the value is currently "12/25/2024". How do I configure voice assistant to recognize a phrase like "what's the date of birthday" and returns "1/1/2000"?

I'm guessing there's some combination of templating and "lists", but there are too many variables for me to continue guessing: conversations, intents, sentences, slots, lists, wildcards, yaml files...

I've tried variations of this in multiple files:

language: "en"
    - "what's the date of {eventname}"
      - sentences:
          - "what's the date of {eventname}"
      - "{{ states('input_text.event_1') }}"
      - "{{ states('input_text.event_2') }}"

Should it be in conversations.yaml, intent_scripts.yaml, or a file in custom_sentences/en? Or does the "lists" go in one file and "intents" go in another? In the intent, do I need to define my sentence twice?

I'd appreciate any help. I feel like once I see the yaml of a way that works, I'll be able to examine it and understand how to make derivations work in the future.