wait this site is about communism!?!?!

i thought this was the joe biden fan site???????

somebody sent me a picture of a pig pooping on its balls i am really scared

you tabkies are just deolorable!!!!

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Sir, this is a Hillary Rodham Clinton appreciation forum (no feet pics)

Welcome to the resistance

(no feet pics)


We respect a girlboss and will not be lowering ourselves to lusting after her sweet little piggies however perfect they may be so help us god

(Well, not in public anyway)

It's her turn for real this time


this is a Chinese psyop (so-called "xi-op") to turn all the bernie bros into puppygirls

i should have realised sooner. i am disgusted

i thought it was a john kerry fan site

All sites are John Kerry fan sites.

It's a hexagonal bear enthusiast webspace

i will not fall for your communist lies.

okay, I'll bite. What is this whole cis and trans thing?

edit: wowee

I think it's a chemistry thing

we got another one, gang sicko-crowd

Excuse me this I'd a site for beanis

You are deeply unserious xibe-check

This site is for not voting (ie voting for Trump). You know our motto ,vote haram

This is a website about kissing your dad

Joe Biden IS a communist

It's true he's owned by Xi and Cuba

no. joe biden stands for democracy, and everything that is beautiful and good. commies (or should I say """tankers""") stand for EVIL

this is an activism hub for far left extreme liberal bernie bros to spread russian talking points and exchange xi bucks for shushing women

hell yeah I'm adorable! <3

no!!!!!!! that was a typo because i was crying on my keyboard and pissibg because i was so scared