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Why does he have Trill spots?

The Doctor wrote a holo-novel "loosely" based on Voyager's journey (largely centered on his struggle for recognition/personhood) and created poor facsimiles of the crew.

Ah lol, must've forgotten that episode!

If I recall correctly, his portable emitter is portrayed as a huge, bulky backpack he’s forced to wear in order to exist.

Comment from kellyaster's Trek loading screen meme:

It's late in the 7th. A strange one, to be sure. They went just about as wild as TNG with leftover stories... though I'm not sure if there's an episode worse than "Sub Rosa"

Get his coworkers promoted

I love that not only does the picture load in my inbox but I can open it separately from the comment thread on Voyager.

But yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking of, Kim carried the ship so bad they demolished Kes to keep (parallel) him.

Harry regrets the photo of him in "Spot Face", and still carries great shame for the misguided incident of his youth.

"I apologize deeply to those i have offended with my past actions. I'm working closely with advisors and counselors, and hope to move forward with more awareness and sensitivity in the future," Kim said in a statement released to the press.

My Symbiote is not your costume one cadet was quoted as saying in response

And he wonders why he hasn't been promoted.

Most likely to be unrecognized for his accomplishments.

More like most likely to show up late for work and have a bad attitude while he was there. That's most of the reason why you never got promoted on the show. He always wanted to be but apparently his work performance was not amazing. All rumor of course.

Retire an ensign

@Mariner: #goals


:(){ :|:& };:

The forbidden text

Harry seems like the kind of guy whose photos would all be awkward.

Edit: that’s not an insult to Harry. I like him. He just has that vibe, ya know?

He's not exactly "comfortable in his own skin" or used to "social norms"

To be gaslit by an alien race.

be Nvidia CEO