Factorio Friday Facts #406 - Space Age Music

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Friday Facts #406 - Space Age Music | Factorio


It was November of 2021 when we started conversations with Petr Wajsar, a very talented Czech music composer, to create the soundtrack for the Factorio expansion. Since then we have been working together on the soundtrack of Factorio Space Age. Conceptualising and finding solutions to our not small amount of problems, and filling the expansion with quality music, specially designed for the best possible Factorio experience. Petr is a very special musician, because besides being a proven master of electronic music, his education and experience in the conservatory makes him capable of composing music using the full range of a classic orchestra. His modern style of going to more experimental solutions, makes him very flexible at creating the score of the Factorio Space Age expansion.

Friday Facts #406 - Space Age Music | Factorio

Not sure how well bombastic brass will do over longer periods of play, but I'm sure Wube have thought of that - going to be really interesting to see/hear this in action.