Coming back to Destiny

4 years later. Where can I read up on major changes, esp about which weapons to keep and which to scrap etc. Any advice would be appreciated. Tx

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I use to look at rolls and see if they are good. There is also other functionality built into it like armor stat building etc.

Nice! Thank you!

I’d like to just mention that grades weapon rolls partly based on popularity so the more people who have that specific roll the higher it gets graded. This leads to instances where Xur might sell an “okay” weapon that’s ranked as a B but by the end of the weekend it’s up to an S because everyone went and bought it because a YouTuber told them to.

Ah, good to know! I’ve forgotten about Xur, tbh.

As I am also basically getting back into in and grinding again I forgot about this site

It does not tell you afaik but it's great for seeing stat changes.

Nice site, thanks!

Xur should be useful to you since you’re coming back but for those who have been around he’s kind of useless just because we all have everything he sells. will show what he’s selling and where he is on Friday.

Bungie added being able to access your vault from orbit as well as a limited way to save loadouts, which is fantastic...but Destiny Item Manager (DIM) is still king when it comes to managing all of your stuff. DIM also has built in recommended lists you can enable to see people's thoughts on rolls.

There's also for a gorgeous way of tracking progress on just about everything you can possibly track + the stuff that changes on reset.


That was very informative, thanks!

That looks good! Thanks, I’ll watch it after work this afternoon.