Guatemala Goes Into State of Calamity Due to Forest Fires (teleSUR)

Guatemala Goes Into State of Calamity Due to Forest Fires (teleSUR)

The measure was taken in the wake of the last massive fire at the Sustainable Management Authority of Lake Amatitlán (AMSA) landfill 22 kilometers from Guatemala City, which generated large flames and powerful smoke columns.

God this sounds like a nightmare. Landfill fire. Horrifying shit

The state of Calamity will be in force for 30 days in the departments (provinces) of Escuintla, Guatemala and Petén, where the highest number of fires has occurred.

Due to the emergency, Guatemala has suspended classes in schools in the metropolitan area of the country since last Monday.
#guatemala #latam #disasters #disaster #forestfires #forestfire #climatechangeisnow #climatechange #globalwarming #globalwarmingkills #landfills #landfill