ladies who have sucked your own titty, how was the experience? Compare with a partner sucking?

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Since there are no answers here - I can't do that (small boobs) but nursed all my kids and it's not a sexual feeling. After the initial rush of nausea and terror I always got (and learned years later had a name and was not just insanity) it felt good in a nonsexual way, the stimulation just wrapped up in caring for the baby.

As part of sex, I'd say grabbing them myself feels good, is sexual stimulation but not the same as someone else doing it, not as good.

lollll i'm not a lady, but i did once have tits big enough to do it, and... i dunno if you ever heard someone talk about sucking their own dick before, but i've always heard it described as "more like sucking a dick, than having your dick sucked"... it's not bad, but the contortion required often impedes the pleasure, also. but maybe my tits just weren't big enough?

regardless, they're gone forever now!

It feels more like sucking a nipple than getting your nipple sucked. Plus I have to do it in such an awkward way that it's just not nice :)