Longevità delle razze di cani da compagnia: quelli a rischio di morte prematura

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Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death - Scientific Reports


The companion dog is one of the most phenotypically diverse species. Variability between breeds extends not only to morphology and aspects of behaviour, but also to longevity. Despite this fact, little research has been devoted to assessing variation in life expectancy between breeds or evaluating the potential for phylogenetic characterisation of longevity. Using a dataset of 584,734 unique dogs located within the UK, including 284,734 deceased, we present variation in longevity estimates within the following: parental lineage (purebred = 1 breed, crossbred ≥ 2 breeds), breed (n = 155), body size (large, medium, small), sex (male, female) and cephalic index (brachycephalic, mesocephalic, dolichocephalic). Survival estimates were then partitioned amongst phylogenetic clades: providing evidence that canine evolutionary history (via domestication and associated artificial selection) is associated with breed lifespan. This information provides evidence to inform discussions regarding pedigree health, whilst helping current/prospective owners, breeders, policy makers, funding bodies and welfare organisations improve decision making regarding canine welfare.

Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death - Scientific Reports

L’aspettativa di vita dei cani nel Regno Unito è di più di undici anni. Le femmine vivono più dei maschi. I cani con il muso schiacciato vivono di meno. La razza Jack Russell Terrier vive in media più delle altre, più di dodici anni, mentre il bulldog francese ha la vita più corta, meno di cinque anni