We live in a beautiful world

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Poor New Zealand.

They're used to it, though. Us Scandinavians, on the other hand..

Just a crumb is all that’s missing, yet here we are

This meme was taken as example to showcase GPT4 image input: https://i0.wp.com/chatgptplus.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/gpt-4-understands-images.png?w=1200&ssl=1

Honestly impressive!

oh wow that's not what I expected generative AI to be able to do

Wow, im sorry but there's nothing mundane or silly about planet nugget.

Damn.. climate change did us crazy bad D:


Africa looking delicious

Settle down Leopold.

They ate Greenland!

Bones, sinkin' like stones, all that we fought for

Yo is this a real image?

Chicken wing salute for the fallen