Boeing doesn't want you to know this, but there is a Lockheed/Raytheon collaboration that could stop this.

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And they murdered a whistleblower

It didn't happen in Russia, the worker committed suicide in the name of liberty and democracy.

Well they had to. Letting him live would have hurt the stock price. That can't be allowed to happen in America.

It'd be kinda fun if it turned out that Airbus murdered him

Airbus has engineer spies sabotaging Boeing from the inside as well, this is all elaborate corporate espionage.

Is this how the first corpo wars start? cyber-lenin

The war between Walmart Asset Protection and Amazon Security Services. WAP vs ASS - which side will you join, soldier?

I'm an ASS man, and I say kill 'em allkill-em-all

Strike me down but that'd be funny. I can't help it. I'm drumming up every ounce of empathy I can muster, asking myself if it were me or my loved ones who was murdered. I'm still smiling with the idea.

good grief

In China this shit would have been nationalized and the executives executed

and a brave WSJ reporter would come out and call it disgraceful

The NTSB says that Boeing is blocking it...

I thought we were a nation of laws and shit.

If you think that, you're simply not rich enough.

Yeah, like why don't they show up with armed officers for this kind of thing? Some lanyard who has authority on paper is going to be given a swirly and sent in their way. The US gov has no teeth when it comes to domestic enforcement of things that actually matter, but they'll bust out RoboCop for a progressive protest.

I can imagine a near future redditor comment in r/politics...

"Look, you might not like it but ED-209 was necessary for crowd control and the enforced suppression of hostility. We are a nation of laws. The glitch that caused ED-209 to use lethal instead of non-lethal rounds was indeed unfortunate. Of course I morn the loss of seven people. But..."

Rules based order is only for non western countries. Domestically, you can do whatever you want.

If Boeing wants to be so obviously evil they shouldn't have such a funny name. It even works perfectly for a boycott slogan, "if it's Boeing I'm not going."

"Obviously evil"? Dude you have any ideia what Boeing sells?

I know lol, I agitate against them a lot IRL. But most people just know them as the airplane company.

God, I know it's the most minor thing but it burns me up how the industry of death machines has been branded as "defense." This language is something that needs to be pushed back on more.

Genuine 1984 shit


They should've stayed a lumber company

Apache gunship helicopters

what is really so hard about a "we fucked up, we're going to pretend to do a better job" speech and just letting it go?

Apologies = Admitting fault = Lawsuits = Sad Investors = Capitalist Heresy

I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:

I'm getting on a plane soon and thank fuck it's an Airbus.

COMAC needs to start cranking out C919s to fill this gap too.

They assassinate the whistleblower and erase the evidence of shoddy repairs. They are basically part of the US government now lol. Wonder what three letter acronym Boeing will get to join all the other three letter agencies?