Slow afternoon at the dog park.

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That's one hell of a dog park.


I third that. This looks way nicer than most of the parks my kid used to play at. Dogs really have become the replacement for children.

Fuckin Bel Air dog park over here

It's in the rich neighborhood.

Damn Eagletonians and their stupidly beautiful and well planned dog parks!

first thought for me is im so jelly

Is that real grass? Please don't tell me that's an entire plastic (artifical grass) covered park?

No way it's real. There's not enough dead patches where the grass simply refuses to grow because of too much urine.

Not to mention that you can tell it's fake simply by how the fallen leaves sit on top of it instead of in it.

Not real, the city gave up on trying to keep the real grass alive.

If I'm not mistaken those are Trees of Heaven. They're incredibly impossible to kill and grow anywhere. They're also horribly invasive.

You are mistaken, they are not the Tree of Heaven. Three distinct types in this park only one of which I know for sure it's name, blue gum Eucalyptus. All are dog safe according to the city.

That's not even the whole park.

Where's the dog, OP?

Top middle chasing the ball.

Got a bit of "aboringdystopia" vibes...the fake grass and curvy walkways

the grass is fake?

Not the original commented but even if it isnt, the biodiversity in it is horrendous. Mine as well just paint it with cement at that point

Most parks near me are not poster childs for biodiversity. There is one where they have planted natural grassland plants and its awesome but most seem to be geared toward little league games.

Very fake, gets a little too hot sometimes.