Low priority feature request - Short notes for users

Something that I got used to in the past when I used to read fark.com a ton was the ability to have brief tags associated with users that were non-public, Something on the scale of like 25 to 50 characters. I’m not even thinking, necessarily in line with their comments, but a brief note section that could be shown on their profile page when they’re clicked on with maybe some sort of icon next to their name to show that you’ve saved a comment for them.

Fark.com used to have a feature like this where you could use Freeform text to make a short tag about somebody that way in case you ran across them in the future, it could remind you of things. I often used it to denote people who tended to argue in bad faith, or who worked for a specific company or in a specific field or even was a dev on a specific app so they probably knew what they were talking about in those spaces or maybe they lived near me so we’re familiar with regional things, etc.

And while it would probably be better to have it be a Lemmy feature that synchronized across all apps, it could be useful as an app differentiator as well.

Thanks for your consideration.

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