Seeing as how the instance is just getting back up, I'm wondering if the stance on defederation is the same or just haven't gotten around to it yet. I remember before we defederated from exploding-heads. A new one that others have pointed out that should be looked into is

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Thanks for pointing this out - we're focusing on bringing the instance itself back up so we haven't gotten around to bringing everything else back, including blocked instance settings. I added back e-h and lg to that list.

As for Rammy, I started discussions in staff chats. Personally I'm for defederating but it's best not to use the nuclear option without everyone else's opinions. That being said, if anyone has a strong case for / against defederation, feel free to reply here. Here's our defed policy in case it's needed.

EDIT: nvm everyone agreed within literally 1 minute that we should defed. added it to the list. new policy post here

Figured you guys were busy behind the scenes. Keep up the good work!

thank you :)

Defederation should be a last resort and not just because of people disagreeing with each other's ideology on the internet..

They're extreme bigots, not sure why anyone would want to potentially see the content the create and post.

Have you looked at the site in question? There’s a difference between an ideology and intentionally being hateful, shocking and abusive.

Yeah it's literally full of swastikas. If that's not over the line then nothing is.

There is a ban symbol drawn on the swastikas...

Zero tolerance for intolerance.

"Kill the tranny" is just the other political viewpoint. Let em be. Yup.