[100gf E8] Bro help me help me help me HELP AHH-!

It's all fun and games until she says "We're finished when I'm done. And I'm not done."

"In recent reports, doctors note the health hazards - particularly dehydration - posed by harems."

Trying out a new style of overlaying text on image. Looks half-decent.

The full text of that bro's last message, for those interested:

::: spoiler spoiler "Bro help me bro I'm pushing rope and firing blanks and rubbed raw and it's been ten hours and she's still not stopping and I'm hiding for now but I don't think I can keep hiding from her forever bro what do I do now help me bro help me HELP ME WAIT I hear something I think she's coming I think I'm not gonna make it bro promise me you'll nuke my hard drives if I don't make it bro I- AHHHHHHHHH" :::

Source: 100 Girlfriends E8 16:46