Material Analysis of the "Border Crisis" in the US?

Hi, I was wondering what the economics and related social factors are in this current controversy?

I'm not USian, so I'm not too familiar with things there. I know its being used as a political football, so to speak, but there must be material factors involved too right? I mean, I see some commentary here about the 'political' drama aspect, and people saying its "manufactured" or similar. But I'm not sure if they mean it's not real (or vastly 'overblown' in terms of effect) or if they mean it is real, but caused by someone(s).

As far as I understand, human migration is (despite being against international labor law) treated as a commodity exchange, especially by richer countries. Like the US (and Europe) like to mess a place up (or bribe comprador rulers), because it consequentially provides them with exploitable labor, temporary or permanent.

I may be incorrect, but thats how it seems to me. So, if that is true, what are the material considerations for those states that are making a drama out of the Southern Border issues? I know that agricultural labor and domestic servents and porters are often from poorer countries where I am. Certain industries (hospitality, agriculture, construction, warehouse/factory) are reliant on such migrants. So how does this break down for the US, in terms of industries, and States interests?

Are they causing a shortage of commodity labor for the big coastal cities? Are they messing with the Academy (students)? Is the military affected? Is it more about servants for the wealthy?

I ask because I haven't really seen a good analysis of this on these grounds, only on either moral or political grounds, from a USian yet. Thanks!