Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's Roadmap 2023 (Director’s Letter Vol.1)

Link to official post (Director’s Letter Vol.1): https://teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/news/20230731.html

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I really wanted to like this game, I just couldn't get into it. I did kill the first boss though and felt good about myself 😂

Have you played Nioh (or Nioh 2)? If yes, how do you compare it with those?

I've played both Nioh games to death. Wo Long is way easier and not as fun. It really is like they gave the Nioh design doc to another team and asked them to make the same game, but then that team missed all the "magic" that made Nioh great.

Oh, and Wo Long's whole forced companion concept can fuck right off. It totally cheapens the entire experience.

Ah, that's sad.

Thanks for the feedback!

To be fair you can dismiss the companions immediately

What... WHAT? How do you do this? I didn't see a way when I played (back at launch) and admittedly the controls are a bit convoluted for some things.

With this item, the game doesn't really tell you.