Update to version 0.18.1 and theme changes

I updated to Lemmy version 0.18.1 yesterday which seems to have resolved quite a few issues in the UI and also made the site overall quite a bit more responsive. Very nice team work of all the people involved in bug fixing and performance optimisation of Lemmy 🥰

Edit: it might be necessary to force-reload your browser (Press CTRL+F5) to get the new Javascript files properly.

I also added the Hanubeki themes and enabled the mint version as the default. This is not meant as the final theme here, but just a quick change to have something other than the somewhat boring Lemmy default. But maybe people like it anyway.

I also played around with the new custom emojis a bit and they seem to mostly work.

For exampe: This is fine meme

So I guess we could start collecting some nice ones to be added for everyone to use.

Last but not least I pre-emtively blocked threads.net (the new Facebook service) as discussed here.