Is this legit or has my bender been going on too long

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i think i need to sleep.

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However, the most important part of these videos is that they prove conclusively that the US Government is hiding Superconductivity, Teleportation, and 'Free Energy' from the world.

Yeah go to bed lol

America can't figure out hypersonic missiles but they can travel through wormholes and have infinite energy?

Lmao fuck off, pull the other one.

Drink some pickle juice and go to bed. You'll be alright.

We know the plane didn't crash into the ocean because the SOSUS system didn't hear the acoustic sound.


the US Government is hiding Superconductivity, Teleportation, and 'Free Energy' from the world


It’s not legit at all. Multiple already disproven claims combined. The typos don’t add much confidence. Also, it’s Twitter of all places. If it was credible it would be there.

It's an entertaining fake video, that's for sure.

I think this needs to be investigated more

Somebody should get Joe Rogan or Lex Friedman on this. They'd get to the bottom of this for sure

I hope you're sleeping when I post this and I hope you wake up with a clear head and re read this and have a good laugh.

Im just waking up now. That video was wild after 3 tabs of acid maaaaan


lol, k.

The most sus part is that highly secret advanced technology would be used to save regular people, with “free energy” coming in at a close second.

I saw someone claim once that the plane was brought down by the United States because several high level computer engineers were on board and they were in the beginning process of taking on work with Chines computer firms.

Is that true? Dunno, never followed up on it. But it seems more plausible than the claims in this letter.

The Twitter OP does bring that up as a potential motivation for the US using wormholes to vanish the plane btw

I love that in this mythology, the US gov' can warp space-time for practical use but is also worried about China having slightly better computer chips.

(cw: self-harm) most plausible explanation is pilot suicide

Not incompatible with the US whacking the engineers theory. They've "encouraged" such things before.

They had the most prominent Indian nuclear scientist (Homi Jehangir Bhabha) murdered by crashing a passenger plane he was in. It was ways back though.

Best case it's the start of an ARG, worst case this ends up turning into a cult

"All of the difficult problems (aging, disease, laws of physics) can be easily solved, all it takes is for big gubbmint to step out of the way and let the magic happen" grillman

Because of how F35s keep nosediving into oblivion I don't think the US can reverse engineer alien tech to covertly down a passenger aircraft.