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China has 1 timezone over a region where more than 5 exist. If this big timezone can work for one country it can work for all countries. World wide Chinese time. some-controversy

I like my idea better, same number of timezones but defined by lattitude instead of longitude

One time zone for all, and we make it decimal. foucault-shining

Eastern time with permanent DST for the americas, Chinese time for the the rest. That way you have 2 timezones, 12 hours apart, based off the most popular time zones for those hemispheres.

I love scheduling work meetings with people in ukkk because they change their clocks on different schedules than amerikkka so there's no simple way to remember the time difference. Plus reoccurring meetings inevitably get fucked up by time changes.

love the three weeks a year that i'm an hour late/early to anything with my american friends lol

I'm not online enough to have overseas internet friends, but that would be an actual bummer and not a "this is annoying, but I'm getting paid to waste time hehe" thing lol

I work with people in the US, the UK, Germany, and Australia. Every one changes their clocks at different times. Where I live doesn't change its clocks at all. Death to time anarchy

Getting a GMT watch, can help.

GMT hands are bourgeois decadence

Edit: Had a picture of my own watch, but I'm not sure if a Photoshop wizard can potentially dox me so I replaced it with a stock image of a similar model lol.

::: spoiler spoiler It's a modern reissue, not actual USSR made lol. When this thing breaks or eventually runs like total trash I'll probably get a Chinese made fake of something, maybe with a GMT hand - probably just a generic ass field watch though since I'm a creature of habit. :::

I have the same problem but inverse, given that our project manager is C*nadian

Arizona, welcome to the global south

Australia is actually so fucked up here. In Queensland they did two separate multi-year trials of daylight saving and ultimately concluded to not adopt it. Western Australia had four separate public referendums on DST, each with corresponding temporary trials. All of them resulted in not adopting it. The state has only had 7 public referendums ever, so more than half of them have been about DST. After all this, they still don't have DST.

One timezone worldwide ftw