Probable CIA asset and far-right anti-communist assassin of pro-unification nationalist politician later gets assassinated by bus driver with a wooden club inscribed with the words "Justice Stick"

Ahn Doo-hee was a Korean lieutenant who carried out the assassination of nationalist Korean leader Kim Gu on 26 June 1949.

Kim Gu was a Korean statesman politician. He was the sixth, ninth and later the last President of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, a leader of the Korean independence movement against the Empire of Japan, and a reunification activist after 1945. He was assassinated by Korean lieutenant Ahn Doo-hee in 1949.

For the assassination, Ahn was convicted and sentenced to a term of life in prison; however, shortly thereafter, his sentence was commuted to a term of 15 years by then newly elected Korean president Syngman Rhee. At his trial, Ahn maintained that he was solely responsible for the assassination. At the outset of the Korean War in 1950, Ahn was released from prison, having served only one year of his 15-year sentence. Upon his release, Ahn was re-instated as a military officer. After serving under Rhee during the Korean War, Ahn was discharged in 1953, having attained the rank of colonel. After Syngman Rhee fled Korea (to Hawaii) in response to the April Revolution of 1960, Ahn went into hiding, living under an assumed name.