Hardcore infiltration

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I don't think I get the reference. Since when do neo-nazis wear thigh-highs and car ears?

Neo-Nazis typically are deeply closeted and very much into gay/trans/femboy/furry/non-white porn. Projection: it's all they know.

Brrum brum

For me, it just means you'll find the most eccentric personality combinations on the internet.

Found em

Smith’s cover is compromised!! We need a team to the white power rally bathroom for extraction!

80’s porn music begins

Lol what is this I don't get it

I'm not really sure either, I think it's either trying to say that furries and/or femboys are neo-nazis or that most neo-nazis are closeted femboys and/or furries.

I thought, without context, that the punchline of the comic was just pointing out the internet is a strange place and federal agents fighting hate crimes must do increasingly weird stuff to do their job.

Unfortunately the creator of this comic is a holocaust denier. One of his comic references RNG to come up with holocaust death tolls. I think this comic was just made to make fun of people fighting hate crimes, or to imply non-heteronormative people are neo-Nazis.

I thought I was good at decoding pilled media, but some of those are abstruse.

I understand this comic as you just said, internet is full of weired stuff. So personality combinations are messed up.

this is not a meme. this is a comic.

what the hell is going on around here?