Arkansas Department of Human Services gives update on Medicaid unwinding, secretary cites ‘fabricated outrage’

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Arkansas Department of Human Services gives update on Medicaid unwinding, secretary cites ‘fabricated outrage’

Arkansas Department of Human Services officials pushed back against criticism of state Medicaid disenrollment as they shared the latest figures from the program Monday.

Arkansas Department of Human Services gives update on Medicaid unwinding, secretary cites ‘fabricated outrage’

Since government officials are talking anecdotally, I'll add mine own.

I am an Arkansas resident. The best thing that I will say about this state (anecdotally) is that Medicaid has covered my kids without hassle since they were born. I didn't even have to sign them up.

Unfortunately, any of the correspondence that i, apparently, was supposed to receive got lost in the shuffle of my recent divorce and gaining full custody of my kids (their mom has lived in a few different places since). So, even though I should have been informed and on top of it, I never got my kids re-enrolled (using re- here even though i never had to enroll them before) because I wasnt informed and on top of it.

Long story short, i found out that my kids aren't covered when i had to take one to the doctor a few weeks ago. I have since reapplied for them to get back on medicaid, but that seems to be taking awhile.