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Under new management

Under new management

The current mod @Eli hasn't been active since last July, so I have requested to be modded (thx @dessalines).

Edit: I have added rules and a new community image. If you find any news regarding psychology, its fields, or you want to ask/discuss something, please do so :D And if you have any more ideas for this community, please share them here!

Looking at /r/psychology, it seems that restricting the content to only scientific news/papers might stop an inflood of low-quality submissions that are just unscientific at best; but many of the articles over there are often just the results of one/two studies taken at face value.

Gabor Maté: In the Munro family revelations, I see the familiar story of trauma

Gabor Maté: In the Munro family revelations, I see the familiar story of trauma

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'Askers' vs. 'Guessers'

'Askers' vs. 'Guessers'

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'Askers' vs. 'Guessers'

Theory of Mind in toddlers

Theory of Mind in toddlers

I was curious about how one can begin to understand their child's sense of ToM. I've felt like my child is maybe a bit above the curve in terms of mental development (he is already capable of saying maybe 50-60 words, including names of 5 people and one dog, at 18 months old. He can also combine words to make contextually appropriate statements (for example: if I'm getting my coat on, he might say "daddy bye-bye" as if to say "Dad is leaving"). If he doesn't see his mother he might just say "mom-mom?" while raising his arms in the universal "who knows?" position—or he will say "mom-mom gone". I've been around several 18mos and it seems atypical to me that they're capable of these things so early.

Well today he did something interesting. When he sits on the potty he likes to read a book, and just a few minutes ago I closed the door so I could go to the bathroom, and he slid a book under the bathroom door. Is it just automatic? Or is he forming some prototypical sense of "I like to read when I'm on the toilet, so I'll bring one for him since he is on the toilet"?

Edit: I seem to have riled up some negative emotions in the readers on this community, for what reason I have no idea, but for what it's worth: I'm not trying to just brag about my child. If he's average that's awesome. I'm just trying to give context on what I see my kid does and use that to maybe try to understand how his mind works. It's a fascinating subject to me.

I posted about my experience with a sociopath test

I posted about my experience with a sociopath test

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Sociopath Test - [Self-Test] For Antisocial Personality Disorder - Dr Deenz

Do I have a sociopathic personality? Deenz sociopath test can help determine whether you may have symptoms of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).

Aldous Huxley's Deep Reflection

Aldous Huxley's Deep Reflection

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Aldous Huxley's Deep Reflection

Huxley was a very special kind of expert witness to his own unusual states of consciousness, which he actively cultivated in the service of his writing.

Aldous Huxley's Deep Reflection
The beauty of collective intelligence, explained by a developmental biologist | Michael Levin (Big Think)

The beauty of collective intelligence, explained by a developmental biologist | Michael Levin (Big Think)

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Is there a social equivalent to the id/ego/superego?

Is there a social equivalent to the id/ego/superego?

We are familiar with the social "id" through mob dynamics, crowd control. But is there anything akin to the ego and superego for society or groups? Maybe the media act as a bit of a superego on societies...but maybe the concept just does not extend that easily.

Is it possible that software application developers have a deep fear/anxiety about a back-end component they rely on that uses a different programming language that they don't fully grasp?

Is it possible that software application developers have a deep fear/anxiety about a back-end component they rely on that uses a different programming language that they don't fully grasp?

Would fight or flight kick in with their behavior in avoiding the critical deepest (crash-causing, lost-data) software component name and identity? If the mistakes in such programming languages were causing multiple independent servers to melt down in CPU overload?

Can media machines traumatize developers, if there are extreme dehumanization contents and pornography stored in that back-end critical component? If the avoided programming language and logical errors in their own responsibilities utilized the word "TRIGGER" (programming syntax), could that induce social anxiety behavior?

What exactly does cognitive dissonance mean?

What exactly does cognitive dissonance mean?

Lately I have been hearing the term "cognitive dissonance" being used a fair amount. I am checking my understanding of it so please bare with me and feel free to correct me if I am wrong. My understanding of the term is that it refers to someone who continues to hold on to their core beliefs despite overwhelming incontrovertible evidence that their beliefs are patently wrong.