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Vote Socialist Campaign Ballot Access UPDATE

Vote Socialist Campaign Ballot Access UPDATE

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Vote Socialist 2024 Presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz in Milwaukee

Vote Socialist 2024 Presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz in Milwaukee

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Vote Socialist 2024 Presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz in Milwaukee

Vote Socialist 2024 Presidential Candidate, Claudia De la Cruz, is in Milwaukee! The same week as the Republican National Convention occupies the city, Claudia joins the people of Milwaukee to discuss the alternative that working class people so desperately need — and and are ready for. In just days, volunteers from across the Midwest gathered thousands of signatures from Wisconsin constituents supportive of having the Vote Socialist ticket on the ballot in the state. Increasingly, it's clear that the people of not only Wisconsin, but the entire United States, are ready for a working-class anti-war, people-powered alternative to the Democrats and Republicans this election and beyond.

Workers, Mothers, Socialists: How Claudia & Karina Became Fighters for a New System

Workers, Mothers, Socialists: How Claudia & Karina Became Fighters for a New System

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Palestine and Internationalism | People's Conference for Palestine

Palestine and Internationalism | People's Conference for Palestine

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Palestine and Internationalism | People's Conference for Palestine

Palestine is at the forefront of the struggle against imperialism and colonialism and has given life to the spirit of internationalism across the world. Inspired by the advances made by the Palestinian resistance and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, millions globally have picked up the banner of the Palestinian cause, revived the tradition of solidarity, and demonstrated the common horizon of our struggles, not just through slogans but shared action. This panel examines the revival of an anti-imperialist internationalist ethos that drives worldwide solidarity with Palestine today. From Cuba, to Venezuela, Haiti, to South Africa, and the Philippines to Yemen, the panelists will discuss how various internationalist movements understand Palestine in their own struggles. Speakers: Manolo De Los Santos, Mandla Radebe, Dominico Vega, Shireen Al-Adeimi Moderator: Nadya Tannous

Sana' Daqqa: The Palestinian Prisoners' Movement & the Struggle for Liberation

Sana' Daqqa: The Palestinian Prisoners' Movement & the Struggle for Liberation

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Sana' Daqqa: The Palestinian Prisoners' Movement & the Struggle for Liberation

Sana’ Daqqa is an activist, journalist, and the wife of the martyred Palestinian prisoner Walid Daqqa. She has been a longtime activist in struggle to free Palestinian political prisoners, and is an accomplished journalist and analyst on issues of anticolonialism and political strategy. Sana’ and Walid gave life to their daughter Milad through the smuggling of sperm, and she has become a symbol of hope and resilience for the Palestinian people facing forced separation and imprisonment by the Occupation. Sana’ is currently leading a campaign to release the body of the martyr Walid Daqqa, which continues to be held illegally in Zionist prison until today.

Uncommitted Votes and the Fracturing of the Two Party System | People's Conference for Palestine

Uncommitted Votes and the Fracturing of the Two Party System | People's Conference for Palestine

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Uncommitted Votes and the Fracturing of the Two Party System | People's Conference for Palestine

Since October 7, the movement for Palestinian liberation in North America has demonstrated unprecedented levels of mass mobilization, resulting in a seismic shift in public opinion in favor of Palestine and exposing the false promises of democracy of the US political system. This session seeks to illustrate the crisis facing the U.S. political class and the two-party system, while also shedding light on the opportunities available to us to continue building grassroots popular consciousness and political power that can incrementally disrupt Zionist hegemony within mainstream politics. Panelists will explore the different possible outcomes of the 2024 Presidential election and the consequences it will hold for Palestine and the Palestinian movement in North America and methods by which we can get ready and organized to sustain our movement however the elections may unfold. Speakers: Brian Becker, Reema Ahmad, Layla Elabed Moderator: Iman Abid

How do Movements Achieve Transformation? | People's Conference for Palestine

How do Movements Achieve Transformation? | People's Conference for Palestine

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How do Movements Achieve Transformation? | People's Conference for Palestine

Historically, anti-imperialist and anticolonial liberation movements have shown us the importance of building sustainable political organizations. In this new phase of our movement, Palestinians in the North American diaspora and solidarity organizations must understand and adapt to the protracted nature of our struggle for liberation. This workshop will provide a dialectical comparative analysis of the North American anti-war movement in relation to the contemporary Palestinian liberation movement. What conditions have led us to this new phase, and how do we utilize this moment of heightened contradictions to advance our struggle for liberation from within the imperial core? Speakers: Wisam Rafeedie, Vijay Prashad, Hana Masri Moderator: Brian Becker

People's Conference for Palestine | The Student Intifada: Zionism off Our Campus

People's Conference for Palestine | The Student Intifada: Zionism off Our Campus

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People's Conference for Palestine | The Student Intifada: Zionism off Our Campus

In April, students across North America took the solidarity movement by storm. Over one hundred encampments erupted in a matter of days, lifting the movement to new heights and setting the example of commitment to the struggle. The demands of the encampments revealed the deep linkages between ruling class institutions and the Israeli settler state, and their Popular Universities exposed the hypocrisies of higher education in the imperial core. The brutal suppression that followed is only a demonstration of the pressure the student movement was able to exert over the ruling class. This session will engage student organizers from across the world in a discussion on the strategies and tactics of the student intifada, the lessons learned, and the future of the student movement against the genocide and for a liberated Palestine. Speakers: Dawod Al-Taamari, Ibtihal Malley, Monty Rumbold, Ghaied Hijaz Moderator: Nidaa

People's Conference for Palestine | Zionism and US Imperialism

People's Conference for Palestine | Zionism and US Imperialism

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Zionism and US Imperialism | People's Conference for Palestine

Since its inception, Zionism has enjoyed significant support from imperial powers—first the British who colonized and delivered Palestine to Zionist settlers, and then the resource-hungry United States, keen on expanding its scope of power across the world. In exchange for acting as a proxy power for advancing US interests in the region, the Zionist project receives unconditional political and military aid. The mass movement for Palestine has exposed the shared agenda between US imperialism and Zionism throughout the past seven months, firmly charging the United States with the genocide of the Palestinian people. This session will deepen our analysis of the so-called “special friendship” between the U.S. and Israeli State as one rooted in racist state violence domestically and global domination abroad. Speakers: Richard Becker, Sara Kershnar, Yara Shoufani, Rabab Abdulhadi Moderator: Layan Fuleihan

People's Conference for Palestine | The Movement for Palestine in North America

People's Conference for Palestine | The Movement for Palestine in North America

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The Movement for Palestine in North America | People's Conference for Palestine

Since the early 20th century, Palestinians have a long, sustained history of political organizing in the North American shattat (diaspora). Throughout that period, Palestinian political organizing in North America was always impacted by transformations that unfolded in Palestine and within the region, as well as by shifts in the racial, political, and cultural landscape of North America. Like other moments in our history, today the movement for Palestinian liberation in North America is undergoing tremendous changes, expansions, developments and challenges. This panel provides an assessment of the growth, development and impact of the movement for Palestinian liberation in North America before and after October 7, through the lens of organized struggle. Speakers: Mohammed Nabulsi, Roua Daas, Monadel Herzallah, Lara Kiswani Moderator: Rama Kased