Perchance - Create a Random Text Generator

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[plugin] The favicon-plugin allows you to change the browser tab icon from the default perchance dice logo to a custom image (even live-updated/animated, or using outputs of text-to-image plugin, etc)

[plugin] The favicon-plugin allows you to change the browser tab icon from the default perchance dice logo to a custom image (even live-updated/animated, or using outputs of text-to-image plugin, etc)

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🖼️ Favicon Plugin

🖼️ Favicon Plugin
Tip: If your title and/or $meta.description doesn't include the specific keywords/terms that people are likely to type in a web search, then it makes it much harder for people to find your generator

Tip: If your title and/or $meta.description doesn't include the specific keywords/terms that people are likely to type in a web search, then it makes it much harder for people to find your generator

For example, if you've made a world building religion generator, and you title it "The Arch Bible" or something like that (i.e. something that's more of a "brand" than a "description"), then people won't be able to use a web search engine to find it unless they already know its name. In other words, people don't search for "The Arch Bible" when they want to find a religion generator - they of course search something like "fantasy religion generator" or whatever - so make sure you put keywords like that in your $meta.title/$meta.description if you want to make it easy for others to find it.

Search engines heavily weight the page title in their search, so it definitely pays to have a $meta.title which appropriately summarizes what your generator does in a few words. It's fine to have something like "Fantasy Religion Generator - The Arch Bible" as your title - i.e. a description, plus a "brand". Just don't leave out the key descriptive terms.

I'm writing this post because I don't think people realize how the "popular" generators on Perchance actually tend to get popular - it's one of two things:

  1. (rare & temporary) The generator happened to go viral on social media somehow.
  2. (common & long-term) The generator's title and/or description was descriptive, and so random people around the world each day hit their page via a Google search, which can add up to thousands of visitors in just a few months if it's a popular "topic" that people search for.

Popular generators almost always get popular via #2, and #2 often eventually leads to #1 - i.e. people find it via a search engine, and then share it with their friends on social media, and then at some point (for whatever reason) it goes viral. I think people tend to incorrectly assume that #1 is the main factor in a generator's popularity (it can be, but it's rare).

TL;DR: Use appropriate descriptive terms in your title and description if you'd like your generator to become well known. Think about the sorts of keywords that people would type into a search engine to find your generator.

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Welcome to '' Community! (Posting Rules/How to Post from Mastodon/Other Community Links)

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Create a Random Generator

Create a Random Generator
Running Character Creator Locally

Running Character Creator Locally

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AI Character Generator (free, no sign-up, unlimited)

AI art character creator. Design and customize your character's appearance - OC, villains, RPG/DnD/fantasy/fictional characters from text, via Stable Diffusion - it's completely free, no login sign-up needed, no restrictions on daily usage. Generate realistic or stylized character portraits or full-body AI images. Get the AI to draw your character - best free AI character creator on the internet. Can generate anime/stylized/fantasy and realistic characters. AI art characters / AI character designs / AI person generator. This AI can generate realistic characters, headshots, 3D characters, cartoon characters, Disney, fantasy, fashion, and more! No watermark, no sign-up, fast generation.

AI Character Generator (free, no sign-up, unlimited)
Complaint against Browser Fingerprinting on

Complaint against Browser Fingerprinting on

Dear Perchance Administrator(s),

I've been trying to reach you over admin(at), which is listed as your contact email in your privacy policy, but the mail was eventually undelivered. I couldn't find any other contact information on the site, so I'm going to post this complaint here. But yes, I have a complaint against the usage of browser fingerprinting on your website. I noticed someone (hopefully an official account) posting under the name @perchance on this "sublemmy", so I am addressing this to you directly, because I believe that you are the person responsible for this situation. If you are not that person, then please have this message forwarded to whoever is.

The complaint is against Cloudflare (or more specifically, its bot detection mechanism) that is being used by and causing access problems on some pages. Since I like my online privacy very much, I tend to modify the browser settings to harden it for improved security, configure it against online tracking, and protect it against malware. Unfortunately, Cloudflare often has a problem with this and croaks. It's often the case that when someone tries to change or customize their browser (i.e. by messing with some security settings or by installing a security addon), then they will likely get flagged as an anomaly. It is wrongful to expect visitors to keep their web browsers in vanilla state in order to appease some online bot detection scripts. I will thus put some of the blame on Cloudflare for providing these faulty services, but that is only half of the story. I realize that Cloudflare is by itself just a service, so it cannot take the full blame here. While it does offer these functions, it does not automatically apply them to random websites. No, the websites don't automatically pop up behind Cloudflare, there is another factor present here. Someone has to decide to put their website behind Cloudflare in the first place. Someone like you. Therefore, the other half of the blame lies with you or whoever decided to use Cloudflare on

Up until now you may still be wondering what exactly am I talking about. Well, I did some poking around the website javascript source code to try and identify the problem, and I managed to come up with a name. Does the name "Turnstile" ring a bell? Yes, it is the main problem here. It is a script that is using a technique called Browser Fingerprinting to uniquely identify users of your image generation service. These fingerprinting scripts often use some heavy-duty and extremely invasive probing to collect sensitive information about your visitor's devices including, but not limited to: device operating system, screen resolution, color depth, timezone, language/locale, installed fonts, list of browser plugins, device CPU and memory, audio card fingerprint, canvas fingerprint, WebGL (graphics card) fingerprint, list of connected devices like cameras and microphones, etc. Browser fingerprinting is a form of tracking far worse than cookies because it does not need to store any information on the user device, and it can even work cross-website. Clearing cookies or browser history won't help at all. It's like a DNA fingerprint of your device that is extremely difficult, if not impossible to change.

In case of Perchance, I found out that some AI generator pages like will attempt to load several iframe's after the "generate" button is clicked. These will then link to, which then initiates the image generation process. But, before that happens, the iframe tries to contact to fetch this javascript:

This is a heavily obfuscated javascript that does some very shady things. Script obfuscation like this is often employed by malware to hide what the code is doing from reverse-engineering and anti-virus programs. Fortunatly, my browser detects this and blocks the script as potentially malicious. The result is that the iframe complains about being blocked or that verification failed, and then enters an endless verification loop while never displaying the requested AI-generated content. Yes, I tried to bypass the verifiation process by modifying the page javascript code to skip the verification process and go directly to the image generation step. Unfortunately, the image generator server will not accept any requests without a proper user key, which is generated by that obfuscated turnstile script bloat. I do not condone having such scripts run in my browser, so I will not unblock the script. And since there is no obvious way to opt out of this invasive fingerprinting, I am thus reduced to begging website administrators to remove these scripts from their websites. Thus....

Please remove Cloudflare Turnstile browser fingerprinter from your website and make it accessible again to users that wish to protect their online privacy.

Thank you.

Id like to self host some of the generators

Id like to self host some of the generators

Is it possible to self-host some of the generators (for security purposes) I have a computer quite capable of running many of the models, and indeed have a number available already. I have python available and can install any addons needed -- I just dont know how to utilize the plugins etc that are available here

Do Perchance AI generated images have use restrictions?

Do Perchance AI generated images have use restrictions?

Do Perchance AI generated images have use restrictions?

Situational Properties?
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food item generator

food item generator