Neography and Writing systems

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The Codex Seraphinianus, 70s Italian illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world, with an equally imaginary writing system.

The Codex Seraphinianus, 70s Italian illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world, with an equally imaginary writing system.

wacky feature recommendations for a writing system?

wacky feature recommendations for a writing system?

I'll start with the ones I'm considering: -Clausal distinction by colour of the word -Boustrophedon (alternating direction of writing) -intent indicators

What single addition would be most useful to the English writing system?

What single addition would be most useful to the English writing system?

Every once in a while I sometimes think about remaking the English writing system, as is normal I'm sure😅, and I wonder what would be the most useful revision of punctuation or phonetic.