Illustrations of history

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Mounted English archers on a chevauchee in France during the Hundred Years' War

Mounted English archers on a chevauchee in France during the Hundred Years' War

Greek mercenaries after service to Persia celebrating the sight of the Black Sea, a guide to home and freedom

Greek mercenaries after service to Persia celebrating the sight of the Black Sea, a guide to home and freedom

Roman legionaries with specialist weapons, including sling bullets with taunts inscribed

Roman legionaries with specialist weapons, including sling bullets with taunts inscribed

Render of a neolithic settlement in Catal Hoyuk, modern-day Turkiye

Render of a neolithic settlement in Catal Hoyuk, modern-day Turkiye

Ruins of an ancient Roman watermill complex, and 3D reconstruction, Southern France

Ruins of an ancient Roman watermill complex, and 3D reconstruction, Southern France

English billman compared to a Scottish pikeman, ~13th-14th century AD

English billman compared to a Scottish pikeman, ~13th-14th century AD

Contemporary map of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, with a 20th century mural depicting Tenochtitlan below

Contemporary map of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, with a 20th century mural depicting Tenochtitlan below