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how are we doing today gang? i think i caught a cold from flyering at pride last weekkitty-cri-texas. honestly i feel a little bummed that pride month is over, june is my favorite month and there aren't any more good holidays till Halloween. I guess I'm ready for summer to be over. come chat vent and joke! em poc only!!

Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso junta chiefs 'turn their backs' on West Africa bloc Ecowas

Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso junta chiefs 'turn their backs' on West Africa bloc Ecowas

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Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso junta chiefs 'turn their backs' on West Africa bloc Ecowas


Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso hope to form closer ties and move away from the wider regional group, Ecowas.

Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso junta chiefs 'turn their backs' on West Africa bloc Ecowas
Pictures from the anti-government protests in Kenya

Pictures from the anti-government protests in Kenya

Unmasking Ruto’s Betrayal and Mobilizing for Kenya’s Sovereignty and Justice | Black Agenda Report

Unmasking Ruto’s Betrayal and Mobilizing for Kenya’s Sovereignty and Justice | Black Agenda Report

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Unmasking Ruto’s Betrayal and Mobilizing for Kenya’s Sovereignty and Justice | Black Agenda Report


Kenyan President William Ruto, despite his posturing as a strong leader for the people, has betrayed the masses time and time again. His neoliberal policies and allegiance to the imerperialist west are strangling the Kenyan people.

Unmasking Ruto’s Betrayal and Mobilizing for Kenya’s Sovereignty and Justice | Black Agenda Report
To All South Asians in the US, the Islamophobia and Fascism is rampant among a HUGE portion of Hindus in the US

To All South Asians in the US, the Islamophobia and Fascism is rampant among a HUGE portion of Hindus in the US

I don't even know where to begin with this. I've had relatives reaching an almost rage state because I was wearing a keffiyeh. I've gone to charity walks and some random uncle asks me where I'm from (basically trying to interrogate whether I'm Muslim or "from Pakistan"). I've seen a temple that I've gone to many times suddenly allow a BJP overseas group to rent their hall. At that same event I just happened to walk in, so I took some shots with my camera only for some thug to try to physically remove my phone from my hand and push me back to the exit/door with the help of his buddies. They immediately were like "why are you wearing Muslim thing?" because I was wearing a keffiyeh (nevermind the fact that I was wearing a regular indian kurta, etc., it was even their "favorite color" orange lol).

These guys are totally foaming from the mouth hindu nationalists (actually fascists is more appropriate) and they're not just in India, they're in the US as well. I've never had any white person say anything to me when I wear a keffiyeh. In fact I've had ppl low key give thumbs ups or say "nice" but with these fucking uncles (and yes they are always middle-aged indian uncles) it's like a coin toss. Some think it looks cool (and have no idea what it means), whereas others see it and immediately think I'm some sort of terrorist. And btw my family is moderately high caste Hindu, and I think caste is complete bullshit, but I only mention it because if these fucking fash uncles don't know that ahead of time, they'll immediatley think you're Muslim/Pakistani/terrorist by the things you wear. I'm going to continue rocking the keffiyeh but fuck these fucks.

Comrades, keep an eye out for these shitheads.

Also would love to hear any sort of stories from other comrades about family/friends/etc who have hindu nationalist views and how you dealt with it.



hey yall! how we doin? im feeling pretty great, got some positive life developments, and im going to the aquarium tomorrow! come chat, vent, or joke!

Niger-Benin oil pipeline: Junta admits rebels attack

Niger-Benin oil pipeline: Junta admits rebels attack

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Niger-Benin oil pipeline: Junta admits rebels attack


It is the latest setback to hit the newly opened pipeline as Niger starts to export crude oil.

Niger-Benin oil pipeline: Junta admits rebels attack
Filipino NPA songs

Filipino NPA songs

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Mga Kanta ng Rebolusyong Pilipino


Ako Mang-uuma Alay Ang Bagong Hukbong Bayan Araw ng Manggagawa Awit ng Kaingero Awit sa Kasal Banag-banag Bandilang Pula Di Magaga...



hey yall, hows it going. come chat, vent , joke around! em poc only!