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yeuxprives commented on Xenia A

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Same model, different studios, different photographers. Interesting to compare.

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yeuxprives commented on Bottomless surfer

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This is from a set 'The Naked Surfer' featuring Patti by Herge-Art Published October 6th, 2014. There is a second set 'The Naked Surfer Part Two' from February 21st, 2015 where Patti actually is naked.

That said, Herge-Art has removed both of these sets, and I can not find Patti on the Herge-Art website. Additionally the index sites I use have no information on Patti or this set. Per the archived profile page on Herg-Art Patti was 20.

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yeuxprives commented on Amelia Grace

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Believe it or not, I actually had to downscale this image slightly to fit the server guidelines. Personally I prefer higher resolution images. Now trying to think of a local building that would make a good canvas for this image...